
Fried the yellow croaker

I think the best ways to eat small yellow croaker is Fried , good deep-fried , golden brown skin , both crisp and crispy . I like to eat Fried fish of another reason is that I always be bone wounds by other methods of cooking fish . Ho Ho Ho ...

Ingredient :

350g small yellow croaker

Condiment :

1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup starch
1 tbsp baking soda
2 tbsp salt
4 cup vegetable oil

Flavor : crispy , fresh

Directions :

1、Rinse and clean yellow croaker , aside for 10 minutes with salt .

2、Batter method : out flour , starch and baking soda in a big bowl , add water , well mixed , made it into thin paste with .

3、Heating wok with low fire , add vegetable oil . Put the fish wrapped in thin paste , then remove into wok when the oil is hot 50% .

4、5 minutes later to flip to the other side , fry until golden brown on both sides , remove and serve hot .

Experience :
1、The batter is the key step in the Fried the yellow croaker , make better batter fried fish is very crisp . Flour and the proportion of starch is 2:1 , starch and proportion of baking soda is 6:1 .
2、If you like to eat the batter , when you made the batter can add less some water .

