
Korean noodles with black bean paste

Many south Korean people like to eat " Korean noodles black bean paste " in the Korean dramas , that such is the fact ! After you seen picture the bright black sauce makes your mouth water . Don't think that it is very salty , the " Korean noodles with black bean paste " main ingredient " chun jiang " is making by the black soya bean , that smell is very special , and sweet primarily . Now , can or can't go to South Korea , you also can eat to authentic Korean noodles with black bean paste , because its cooking method is very simple , as long as you can buy the unique " Korean black bean paste " !

Ingredient :

50g minced pork
1 potato
1 green onion
1/2 cucumber
1/2 onion

Condiment :

3 tbsp Korean black bean paste ( Korean food supermarket have sold )
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp starch
3 cup water

Flavor : tested sweet and delicious

Directions :

1、Rinse cucumber , cut cucumber and onion into strips . Potato peel and cut into small pieces . Green onion sliced . Starch with water , set aside .

2、Heat the vegetable oil to 60% , add minced pork , fried the pork until colour turn to dark .

3、Add potatoes , medium flame stir fried 2 minutes . Add water , green onion and onion , mix evenly , cover the lid heating .

4、That all boiling 8-10 minutes ( potatoes have mature 80% ) , add black bean paste , then mix evenly .

5、Turn to high heat until potatoes cooked , add water starch , mix well . Remove and serve .

Annotate : The above is how to cook the seasoning sauce . When noodles cooked , soaked in cold water , drain , add cucumber and spoon seasoning sauce , serve . If the noodles have used the buckwheat noodles , then no better than that it !

Experience : One Korean restaurant ( "兴豆饭店") have the authentic " Korean noodles with black bean paste " is near to my home , every day many people for eating the noodles go there , taste really good ! I like it very much too , so I try to cook it . I tried to cook black bean paste with many kinds of ingredients before , but they all taste not so good . Today I introduce the method of cooking , the ingredients are most simple of all ,then the taste is the best of all ! The facts proved that really delicious foods , cooking it is really very simple !

