
Stir-fried pork with corn

The corn's golden color can make everyone have the happy feeling , now we can eat corn at any time , it's great than the other things . Use of corn to cooking food , there will be sweet taste of corn in the cooking food , very fragrance !

Ingredients :

100g pork minced the pork
360g corn kernels
5 mushrooms
1 green onion

Condiment :

1/2 tbsp salt
1/3 tbsp pepper
80ml water
2 tbsp vegetable oil

Flavor : luscious and fragrance

Directions :

1、Rinse and dice mushrooms . Sliced green onion .

2、Heat 2 tbsp oil to stir-fry pork . When the pork is done , remove ,set aside .

3、Put the mushrooms into the pot , stir-fry soon , add corn kernels , stir-fry again .

4、Add salt and water , use the middle flame , cook until the water is absorbed . Add pork in , the temperature turn to higher , stir-fry evenly .

5、Add green onion and pepper , mix well and serve .

Experience : Corn is rich in many nutritious . Long-term edible can reduce morbidity for cardiopathy and cancer . Corn and pork stir-fry together , the mouthfeel luscious and non greasy , suitable for everyone to eat !

