
Mashed purple potato with bread

Breakfast is very important for everyone . Many people not to eat breakfast , because of busy with work , morning no Appetite , or get up late , or for other reasons . Sometimes I will also have the same feeling . But , for health living we must be to develop the good habit of eating breakfast . Here is a kind of bread stuffing introduced for everyone . I hope it can be help the people who like the fast food , I also hope the food's natural color be able to awaken your appetite !

Ingredients :

300g purple potatoes
200ml milk
8 pieces of bread

Flavor : mellow , luscious

Directions :

1、Rinse purple potatoes , put it in the steamer , steamed . Removed , then peel the purple potatoes when it not too hot .

2、Use spoon cut the purple potatoes into small pieces , cut with spoon repeatedly until become mud .

3、Low flame heating milk until boiling , turn off flame , removed , then cooling a moment . Add milk into purple potatoes mud , mix well ( I used to be automatic blender mix , spoon can also , however want much waste more time and effort ).

4、After the mixing of mashed purple potatoes daub on the bread , all done .

( mashed purple potato , purple potato and jam )

( purple potato and kivi , purple potato and ham )

Annotate :

1、You can prepare some fruits and vegetables , or ham , salads , jam and so on , and mashed purple potatoes collocation , DIY the bread you want to eat !
2、Extra mashed purple potatoes , you can be put into a refrigerator with use again next time . Or , and ice cream mixed together to eat , the taste same good .

There is nothing you can't to do , only you can't to think about it  ...!

