
Spicy dried fish

The whitebait , size small and cute . The market is very easy to get it , don't think that only fresh fish that delicious ! Fried whitebait is very savoury and crisp , made your mouth drooling with greed after your saw it . The whitebait is good for the kidney , the spleen and the lung , especially suitable for high blood fat people are eating . Look , your blame eats cannot .

Ingredients : 

120g whitebait ( dried fish )
8 pieces dried bean curd
2 red pepper
2 green pepper
2 stalks green onion
15g chopped garlic

Condiment :

1 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tbsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp water
3 tbsp vegetable oil

Flavor : piquancy and crisp

Directions :

1、Wash the fish throughly , set aside .

2、Cut dried bean curd into strips , slice the peppers , and cut green onion into small pieces .

3、Heat 4 tbsp oil in a pan over medium heat , fry the fish gentaly until it becomes crispy , remove fish and dump the oil .

4、Heat 3 tbsp oil , stir fry dried bean curd until it becomes brown .

5、Add remaining ingredients and seasonings and stir into mixture . Add the fish , stir until it absorbs the sauce , 5-10 minutes . Serve hot .

Experience : The whitebait smells good and eating crispy , you can make it as a snack or , dish for dinner also can , I think the whitebait is the best choise for you , the more you have , the more health !

